Whether you’re a small, medium, or enterprise business, our access control systems guarantee that only authorized personnel can access your building, inventory storage areas, and sensitive areas throughout your operation. Access control solutions also provide a detailed log of who was in your facility, where they entered and exited, and the duration of their visit. From a single storage closet in an office to facility wide, multilayered systems across multiple locations, our scaleable access control systems enhance how you protect your people, assets, and facilities.
Readers & Keypads
Our selection of proximity keycard readers, keypads, and fingerprint scanners ensure a proper verification of a user’s identity and permission levels before allowing access. Your access control system can also be configured to require multiple cards or codes to be entered at separate interfaces for an additional layer of security.
Door Locks & Hardware
The durable, tamper-resistant door strike and electromagnetic door locks employed in our access control systems are rated for interior and exterior doors and can be easily mounted on nearly any door frame.
Asset Tracking for Tractor Trailers
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ID Cards & Tags
Assign multiple cardkeys or key fobs to a single user, each with a unique set of permissions, and quickly create ID cards for new users or visitors in the software interface. This flexibility makes access control simple.
Access Control Software
Our versatile and easy-to-use access control software arms you with the business intelligence you need to make informed decisions about streamlining your business’s daily operations.
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Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem.